Sunday, March 23, 2008

For God Loved the World....

I'm sure some of you are familiar with this Bible text John 3:16 that says " For God loved the world so much that He gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." Sad to say very few fully understand nor appreciate the love that God gave us by sending his only-begotten son to pay for mankind's sin. Very few even try to learn or pay attention. But let's talk about why God sent His son Jesus Christ to save humankind? What would he save us for? And what should we do to enjoy the privilege and benefits of this provision? First, why did Jehovah God sent Jesus? It is because our first parents Adam and Eve disobeyed and lost the perfect life they possessed. From then on, the connection between God and men was cut and so as part of the Mosaic Law, in order to communicate with God, ancient Israelites were required to give burnt offering or sacrifice whenever they pray. And that is through burning the finest lamb they have. And so God sent his son Jesus to be the "once and for all" sacrifice. Since Adam lost the perfection, no human ever lived after them became equal to the perfection they lost. And so God let His son leave his glorious position in heaven and live humbly as a man on earth. And just like every man, Jesus suffered the hardships of the ordinary life. The only difference is...he's perfect. And one main purpose also is to preach the good news of his father's Kingdom to all inhabited earth and him as the appointed King. And because God loved the world so much, His purpose of eternal life in paradise for humankind stays the same. And that's why He sent Jesus, for us to have hope to live eternally in paradise on earth. Second, what would he save us for? Just like I have almost tackled in the first question, it is because of the disobedience of our first parents, we inherit their sin and resulted death to humankind.(Romans 5:12) Third, what should we do to enjoy the benefits of this grand provision? The second part of John 3:16 says, " order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." So we must have faith in Jesus-Christ. And John 17:3 requires us to "take in knowledge from God and Jesus in able for us to have everlasting life". Because "faith without works is dead" (James 2:26) And to cultivate faith, we must have accurate knowledge. And through that knowledge, we will learn what God require of us to do to be able to have everlasting life and enjoy the perfect life in paradise that men cannot give. The "holy week" that Christendom celebrates has just passed. And I wonder how did they reflect over Christ's sacrifice? I wonder what do they think or even understand what does his death means? I particularly want to mention on how here in the Philippines celebrate the "holy week"..... It's a pity that they don't refer to the truth. They don't refer to the Bible on how it should be properly commemorated. The dominant religion in this country is Roman Catholic. I respect their belief, but I am sad because they practice more on "man-made traditions" rather than the Word of God, the Bible. Even to the point of hurting themselves. They imitate what Jesus experienced before his death. Hitting and whipping their bodies until it bleeds and worse, even impaling themselves to the cross. But, did Jesus told his disciples to do the same to show their faith? Does anyone among his apostles did that? Not a single one. Instead, what did Jesus tell his followers to do in commemoration of his death? Jesus and his apostles had the "last supper" the night before his death. And Luke 22:19 says that Jesus, after breaking the loaf into pieces, he said ..."keep doing this in remembrance of me." And that is the "only" thing that Jesus told his disciples to do, nothing else. Shouldn't we be thankful on how much Jehovah God loved us? No father can ever give his son as a sacrifice for many....only Him. And it's up to us on our part whether we appreciate this or not.....

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Truth That Sets Us Free

It has been three months of "off-season" at work. My colleagues starts to relay their problems and what had happened for the past three months. Different kinds of problems, to different kinds of people, different situations...and different approach on how to handle everyday stress. One particular is my friend who is single and lives by his relatives. I would say he's still fortunate and i really told him that. That he should feel lucky because he's got no obligation whatsoever. He's got no kids, no wife, no monthly bills to pay. All he cares about is his food everyday. I was somehow disappointed in hearing him complaining. But i still talk to him in a kind and positive way. I just told him that look at those with families, with lots of obligations compared to much more are these people? That he should realize how they survive.I even compared myself to him. Telling him that even i am single, i feel as if i have a large family already. Because i'm the one who pays all the bills. Electric bill, telephone, cable, internet service, food and some everyday little things that need to buy. Not to mention my mom's monthly medical maintenance. Imagine how and where do i get money for that in a regular basis? But i'd say i am blessed that i got support , though little, but helps a my significant other. His financial support to me somehow helps in paying the bills. But the food and my mom's medicines, it doesn't suffice. And i end up with the conclusion of, it really makes a big difference when one has knowledge in the bible. If all people would just try to study the bible, they will know and not left clueless on why these things happens. Questions like why does God permits these things to happen? If God is Love, how can he allow men to suffer? These are the common questions that common people ask. And having the knowledge in the Bible is an advantage. Like Jesus said "the truth will set us free" (John 8:32). Because knowing the truth will help us understand why these things are happening and why does God allows it. I was reading the "Examining the Scriptures daily" yesterday and the text yesterday is from I John 5:19 and it says, " The whole world is lying upon the power of the wicked one." And this is the main reason why wickedness and sufferings are happening in the world. Because mankind in general, has rejected God as a Ruler. Thus, humans have unwittingly submitted to God's adversary, Satan. Knowledge of this fact makes it easier to understand why bad situations exist. Satan is evil, hateful, deceptive, and cruel. So we should expect the world to reflect the personality of its ruler. No wonder there is so much wickedness! Human imperfection is another reason for the suffering we experience. Sinful humans tend to struggle for dominance, and that often results in wars, oppression and suffering. Ecclesiastes 8:9 aptly says: "Man has dominated man to his injury." A further reason for suffering is "time and unforeseen occurence". People often experience calamity because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
And it's such a privilege that by knowing these facts thru studying the Bible helps us to understand and never wonder anymore on why these things are happening. Truly, the "truth sets us free".....