They deserved it. The hard work, the beat ups, the play, the controversies, the undermining, the disrespect,the bd calls,the team effort, the focus. I guess that's all the Magic players have in mind and helped them motivated to fight to win the Eastern Conference Series. Honestly, when the Cavs won game 5, some speculations(including me) thought that because of the bogus happens in NBA, the Cavs might win it in game 7. But as we hold our breath in game 6, Magic unleashed their best effort and beautifully triumphed over the Cavaliers 103-90. Me and my husband Steve are quite surprised with LeBron not driving to the basket that much and get the fouls he needed. Probably because they changed their gameplan. They might have thought that LeBron might get hurt doing that because Magic might as well give him a hard foul or just let him fall on his own and hurt himself. Then we also noticed that their big men Varejao, Ilgauskas and Wallace are not tying around Dwight that much anymore because they will be fouled-out and Dwight makes the free throw anyways. So either of the two, their gameplan won't work! I'd say, the cause of Cavs loss is bad coaching plus the fact that the men around LeBron is not competitive enough against Magic. I'd say that game 6 with the Cavs is one of Magic's best. Finally! I have not been satisfied with Magic's play since game 1 with them even though they are ahead. One of the best they had was the game 7 against Celtics. Finally, Hedo Turkoglou's got help from parents to take care of the baby. Finally, Mickael Pietrus back in shape. Finally, Dwight Howard's making it in free-throw line. Finally, no bad calls! It's almost like a miracle watching the game without bad calls from referees(LoL!). Of course Mo Williams is disappointed saying LeBron should get a foul when Magic touches him. But hey, the king hardly gets to the rim that much, which is actually a surprise. He's moving the ball around trying to make his team help and contribute. I don't know it could be either Mike Brown's plan to move the ball around and let the whole team work or is it LeBron's personal decision to shun the issues that it's one-man show. But they said that LeBron does what the coach told him to do so. So, it's more likely Brown's gameplan after all. Or was it LeBron just don't want to get all the blame if ever they lost? Whatever the case is...it's over. It's just bad that Lebron just left, didn't even shake hands and congratulate the Magic. Went straight ahead to the bus and left. Leaving the media behind. It's hard on him.It's full of emotions on his part. But it's not good for him not to show sportsmanship. I'd say he doesn't deserved it. He's one heck of a player. He did everything....he's just not in a good place.
Oh well...i hope this is enough of the controversies. Let's do it professionally okay? So where's the NIKE puppet commercial after Magic won? Where's the VITAMIN WATER ad? Can NIKE replace the puppet? Or just add Dwight between Kobe and LeBron wearing the Superman cape?(LoL!)
Now with the Lakers....i wonder if it's gonna be a different story.