Sunday, February 24, 2008

Miownlil'way (episode 1)

I have a journal of what i call "everyday analysis". And i thought of sharing them all with you through here. Thay were quite many and so i thought i'll post it in parts. And here are some of them. comments are welcome though...Enjoy!

" Praises and compliments,however beautiful it was worthless to a dead man's ears." (Just when the person is already dead, people tend to pay them tributes, spending fortunes to give them an expensive burials and even broadcast on national TV. But, what are those for? The guy is dead, man! Gimme a break! He can't even hear or see what's going on outside his coffin...So why not show the person how valuable he is while he's alive? How his work is greatly appreciated. Does it take a man's life to be a hero? To be remembered and honored?)

" Envy, when nurtured, is like a sharpened knife that pierces deeply and crushes into one's maddening soul." ( i remember the movie AMADEUS, when Wolfgang's contemporary Salieri is very jealous of the talented young musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Salieri is so jealous and envious of Mozart that it kills his career and even his life. So avoid being envious of other people's success. Be happy for them, and make them as your inspiration instead of thinking negatively on the person. And work on yourself in order to achieve whatever you want in life. Because ENVY KILLS.One great example is Satan the Devil, who used to be a glorious angel in heaven, but because of his selfish intentions and nurtured envy, he became slanderous and liar,hence the name, Satan the Devil,)

" A loud mouth is someone who utters destructive words to humble people, trying to cover up a deep-seated foul odor inside their rotten soul." ( These are the ones whose hobby is to criticize and fault-find other people. Well, it's normal to criticize, we are all critics anyways, in our own right. But there are those who doesn't appreciate anything at all. And all they do is look for other people's weknesses without looking at themselves first. And i specially noticed this to ones who's got lots of "skeletons in the closet". And they were trying to cover up their smelly rotten self by throwing up words to others so it would divert the attention that is mainly and should be focused on them.)

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